My Pups

Proud Dog Mom

img_3300So many people get shit about claiming they are a “dog mom” or that their dogs are their children. I completely understand why these people feel the need to complain about us claiming our pets are like children. Dogs and puppies are no where near the same as raising tiny humans! I see my sister raise my nephew and the terrible twos are a real thing! I couldn’t imagine raising a kid right now!

I give kudos to all moms out there working their ass off raising these incredible little beings. BUT! with that being said, I am clearly not ready to have a little human of my own! So until then I will continue taking my baby steps with my puppies! 

Dogs, in my opinion, are a very great first step in starting a family. It is a huge responsibility to put on yourself. A dog needs attention just as a baby would. We still have to feed and water our dog and make sure he is comfortable with his surroundings. We need to introduce them to other humans and other dogs so they can have better “communication” skills if you will! Hell! Half the time Kylo just barks at me and I have no idea what he wants, just as a baby would cry and you can’t figure out how to calm it down.

I honestly could not imagine my life without my dogs. Especially Kylo. I don’t mean that I love him any more than I do Anakin. But Kylo and I have been through a lot together. If I didn’t have Kylo while Trea was deployed for 6 months, I would have gone crazy! Crazier than I already did! 

We’ve had Kylo for about 2 1/2 years now. We got him from a local breeder in February 2016 when he was about 3 months. He is a pure breed yellow Labrador. He was bred for hunting, but I’m sure if Kylo ever went hunting he wouldn’t know the first thing. This dog doesn’t even understand the concept of fetch! Kylo, as you all know is also a blood donor at our vet. He has already donated blood three times this year, but has helped to save 4 other dogs lives. 

They aren’t joking when they say a dog is man’s best friend. I tell this to Trea all the time and I’m pretty sure he thinks I’m insane or something.. But I am so absolutely IN LOVE with Kylo. When I look at that goofy little face of his, I literally get the same feeling you get when you see your crush, or when you see your future husband at the end of the aisle. I know that sounds super weird right?! But I’m so serious about it. Its so crazy how much we can love another creature who is completely different than you. But I get that same vibe from Kylo. Kylo looks at me the way he would look at some greasy bacon! I’m sure most of you have seen the pictures of us cuddled up on the couch! I have coddled this dog so much its probably unhealthy! He truly is my little baby! 

Kylo is a ball of fire! He is pretty hyper at times and just wants everyone in the world to be his best friend and focus all their attention on him and only him. He does have a tendency to jump up on people. But that’s just cause he wants to give you his signature wet sloppy kisses. 

But he is also a very well behaved dog. Especially for how MASSIVE he is. I never truly realized how big he was until I saw him up against Anakin.

He absolutely loves going to the vet. I have no idea why, since its a cliche for dogs to hate the vet. But he loves it. He knows exactly where we are going every time. I think its just cause he loves all the ladies there and all the treats.

He is so well behaved there even around the other dogs and it amazes me. This is one of the big reasons they vet came to me and asked I would be ok with him donating blood. They say he is so well behaved when getting his shots and other blood work done. 

Then there’s Anakin. Our little permanent puppy as we like to call him! We’ve always talked about getting another dog for a few years. We always knew Kylo needed a friend to play with and get rid of his energy when we weren’t feeling like playing. But there was no way I was going to get another dog while living on the third floor of a small apartment. 

Well, one day I was joking around with Trea saying we should just go to the humane society since there was nothing else to do. We told each other we had no intention of buying a dog that day. But once I walked up on Anakin’s kennel, I just knew. 

He was the calmest dog in there, even with all the other dogs barking. He was wearing a cone of shame since he just got fixed the previous day. He had the biggest smile on his face and gave me a wink. I instantly yelled at Trea to get over here and look at him! And we both agreed we had to take this little guy home!

The Humane Society didn’t know a whole lot about Anakin’s past. He was rescued off the Cheyenne Indian Reservation here in South Dakota. They had guessed he was a mix between a Golden Retriever and Yellow Lab. But he is just too tiny to be just those two things. Many people have told me they think he has a little Blue Heeler in him. You can see it in the little spots he has, the shape of his head, nose and forehead and his cute little ears. (Take a look for yourself! And let me know what you think!!)

They believe he is almost a year old. I’m guessing and declaring June 18th to be his 1st birthday. (Yes, I celebrate my dogs birthdays! Sue me 😉 )

For Anakin being a res rescue dog, and only being a year old he is so well behaved! He has the best temperament in a dog I’ve ever seen! He is the sweetest little guy ever. He doesn’t bark, jump, or bite. He is very playful with Kylo when he wants to be. But is also very laid back. He wants nothing more than to be petted and loved on. He will become anyone’s best friend the moment they meet him. I’m glad we were able to be the ones to rescue him cause I know he wouldn’t have lasted there long. But I know he would’ve been a great dog for first time owners or for an older couple looking for a companion. My mom thinks he would be a great support dog at a nursing home. 

Fun fact about Anakin: He is a “cat-dog” What do I mean by that you ask…?! Take a look see! ↓↓↓↓↓



We don’t mind if he is in the window sill… But come on man! The kitchen table and the island?! I have turned around many times to see this exact thing! 


So yes, my dogs are my children. I truly couldn’t imagine my life without both of them. They make my life exciting. They bring me joy even when I don’t want it. They are my best friends. My days without Trea wouldn’t be the same if I didn’t have these little guys to keep me company and to talk to. We don’t deserve dogs!

xoxo, Shelby Faye ♥


P.S. I am a brand ambassador with Pawz. Pawz donates 10% of each t-shirt and accessory sale to humane societies across the country. Many humane societies can’t keep all their animals due to over crowding. Therefor having to put poor innocent dogs and cats down. Each year 3.7 million homeless animals are euthanized simply because shelters do not have the resources to provide for them. Pawz was created to raise money for saving these animals.

So if you would like to help with a great cause follow this link → Pawz

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